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Here is the table with the environment variables sorted in alphabetical order:

Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be used to configure Identus Cloud Agent (in alphabetical order):

Variable NameDescriptionTypeDefault
ADMIN_TOKENAdmin token for the admin API key authentication method.Stringadmin
AGENT_DB_APP_PASSWORDAgent database application user password for login.Stringpassword
AGENT_DB_APP_USERAgent database application user for login.Stringagent-application-user
AGENT_DB_AWAIT_CONNECTION_THREADSNumber of threads to wait for database connection.Int4
AGENT_DB_HOSTHostname of the server where Cloud Agent database is running on.Stringlocalhost
AGENT_DB_NAMEDatabase name where agent db will store data.Stringagent
AGENT_DB_PASSWORDAgent database password for login.Stringpostgres
AGENT_DB_PORTPort of the Cloud Agent database.Int5432
AGENT_DB_USERAgent database username for login.Stringpostgres
AGENT_DIDCOMM_PORTPort on which DIDComm service runs.Int8090
AGENT_HTTP_CLIENT_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZESize of the HTTP client connection pool.Int0
AGENT_HTTP_CLIENT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTHTTP client connection timeout duration.String5 seconds
AGENT_HTTP_CLIENT_IDLE_TIMEOUTHTTP client idle timeout duration.String5 seconds
AGENT_HTTP_PORTPort on which Cloud Agent runs.Int8085
API_KEY_AUTHENTICATE_AS_DEFAULT_USERWhether or not to authenticate all API keys as the default user.Booleantrue
API_KEY_AUTO_PROVISIONINGWhether or not to enable auto-provisioning for API keys and register the owner of the api-key automatically.Booleantrue
API_KEY_ENABLEDWhether or not to enable API key authentication.Booleanfalse
API_KEY_SALTSalt used to hash the API key.StringJLXTS4J2qkMOgfO8
CONNECT_BG_JOB_RECURRENCE_DELAYInterval at which connect background job will try to process records.String2 seconds
CONNECT_BG_JOB_RECORDS_LIMITMaximum number of records connect background job will try to process at the same time.Int25
CONNECT_DB_APP_PASSWORDConnect database application user password for login.Stringpassword
CONNECT_DB_APP_USERConnect database application user for login.Stringconnect-application-user
CONNECT_DB_AWAIT_CONNECTION_THREADSNumber of threads to wait for database connection.Int4
CONNECT_DB_HOSTHostname of the server where Connect database is running on.Stringlocalhost
CONNECT_DB_NAMEDatabase name where Connect db will store data.Stringconnect
CONNECT_DB_PASSWORDConnect database password for login.Stringpostgres
CONNECT_DB_PORTPort of the Connect database.Int5432
CONNECT_DB_USERConnect database username for login.Stringpostgres
CONNECT_INVITATION_EXPIRYThe connect invitation expiry duration e.g 300 seconds. After which the OOB Connect Invitation will expireString300 seconds
CREDENTIAL_LEEWAYTime leeway when verifying credential dates, if time difference is less than a leeway, it will still verify.String0 seconds
CREDENTIAL_SD_JWT_EXPIRYExpiry duration for SD-JWT credentials.String30 days
CREDENTIAL_VERIFY_DATESWhether or not to verify credential dates (expiration).Booleanfalse
CREDENTIAL_VERIFY_SIGNATUREWhether or not to verify a credential signature.Booleantrue
DEFAULT_JWT_VC_OFFER_DOMAINDefault domain for JWT VC offers. Must be set to the value of the Cloud Agent endpointStringdefault-domain
DEFAULT_KAFKA_ENABLEDWhether or not to enable Kafka integration.Booleanfalse
DEFAULT_WALLET_AUTH_API_KEYThe authentication API key to be used for default entity that uses default wallet.Stringdefault
DEFAULT_WALLET_ENABLEDWhether or not to initialize the default wallet.Stringtrue
DEFAULT_WALLET_SEEDThe BIP32 wallet seed to be used for default wallet represented by a hexadecimal string.StringNull
DEFAULT_WALLET_WEBHOOK_API_KEYThe optional API key (bearer token) to use as the Authorization header for default wallet webhook.StringNull
DEFAULT_WALLET_WEBHOOK_URLThe default wallet webhook endpoint URL where the notifications will be sent.StringNull
DID_STATE_SYNC_TRIGGER_RECURRENCE_DELAYTriggering DID state sync delay in Hocon duration formatString30 seconds
DIDCOMM_SERVICE_URLURL of the DIDComm server that also runs for this agent.Stringhttp://localhost:8090
ENABLE_ANONCREDEnable support for AnonCred Credential type via API and DIDCommBooleanfalse
GLOBAL_WEBHOOK_API_KEYThe optional API key (bearer token) to use as the Authorization header for global wallet webhook.StringNull
GLOBAL_WEBHOOK_URLThe global webhook endpoint URL where the notifications will be sent.StringNull
ISSUE_BG_JOB_PROCESSING_PARALLELISMMaximum amount of parallel issue credential job processing.Int5
ISSUE_BG_JOB_RECURRENCE_DELAYInterval at which issue credentials job will try to process records.String2 seconds
ISSUE_BG_JOB_RECORDS_LIMITMaximum number of records issue credentials job will try to process at the same time.Int25
ISSUANCE_INVITATION_EXPIRYThe presentation invitation expiry duration e.g 300 seconds. After which the OOB Credential Offer will expireString300 seconds
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_IDThe Keycloak client ID.Stringprism-agent
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRETThe Keycloak client secret.Stringprism-agent-demo-secret
KEYCLOAK_ENABLEDWhether or not to enable Keycloak authentication and authorisation.Booleanfalse
KEYCLOAK_REALMThe Keycloak realm name.Stringatala-demo
KEYCLOAK_URLThe Keycloak server URL.Stringhttp://localhost:9980
KEYCLOAK_UMA_AUTO_UPGRADE_RPTWhether or not to enable automatic upgrade of RPT tokens. If disabled, accessToken must be RPT and include the permission claims.Booleantrue
KEYKLOAK_ROLES_CLAIM_PATHThe json path to the roles claim in the JWT payload . Used for role-based authorization (e.g. admin or tenant).Stringresource_access.<KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID>.roles
LOG_LEVELCloud Agent log level. The default log level is INFO. Possible values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, OFF.StringINFO
POLLUX_DB_APP_PASSWORDPollux database application user password for login.Stringpassword
POLLUX_DB_APP_USERPollux database application user for login.Stringpollux-application-user
POLLUX_DB_AWAIT_CONNECTION_THREADSNumber of threads to wait for database connection.Int4
POLLUX_DB_HOSTHostname of the server where Pollux database is running on.Stringlocalhost
POLLUX_DB_NAMEDatabase name where Pollux db will store data.Stringpollux
POLLUX_DB_PASSWORDPollux database password for login.Stringpostgres
POLLUX_DB_PORTPort of the Pollux database.Int5432
POLLUX_DB_USERPollux database username for login.Stringpostgres
POLLUX_STATUS_LIST_REGISTRY_PUBLIC_URLUrl of status list registry to verify the revocation of JWT credentialsStringhttp://localhost:8085
PRESENTATION_BG_JOB_PROCESSING_PARALLELISMMaximum amount of parallel present proof job processing.Int5
PRESENTATION_BG_JOB_RECURRENCE_DELAYInterval at which present proof job will try to process records.String2 seconds
PRESENTATION_BG_JOB_RECORDS_LIMITMaximum number of records present proof job will try to process at the same time.Int25
PRESENTATION_INVITATION_EXPIRYThe presentation invitation expiry duration e.g 300 seconds. After which the OOB Request Presentation will expireString300 seconds
PRESENTATION_LEEWAYTime leeway when verifying challenge dates.String0 seconds
PRESENTATION_VERIFY_DATESWhether or not to verify challenge dates during presentation.Booleanfalse
PRESENTATION_VERIFY_HOLDER_BINDINGDescription missing (please provide).Booleanfalse
PRESENTATION_VERIFY_SIGNATUREWhether or not to verify a signed challenge used during credential presentation.Booleantrue
PRISM_NODE_HOSTHostname of the server where Prism Node is running on.Stringlocalhost
PRISM_NODE_PORTPort of the Prism Node.Int50053
PRISM_NODE_USE_PLAIN_TEXTWhether or not to use plain text for Prism Node communication gRPC protocol.Booleantrue
REST_SERVICE_URLURL of the REST service.Stringhttps://host.docker.internal:8080/cloud-agent
SECRET_STORAGE_BACKENDSecret storage for keys and credentials. If vault is used, the vault server must be running, otherwise a database can be used for development purposes only.Enum(vault, postgres)vault
STATUS_LIST_SYNC_TRIGGER_RECURRENCE_DELAYTriggering status list revocation sync for revoked credentials delay in Hocon duration formatString30 seconds
VAULT_ADDRURL of the vault service for Cloud Agent to use for secret management.Stringhttp://localhost:8200
VAULT_APPROLE_ROLE_IDThe role_id for HashiCorp Vault authentication with AppRoleStringNull
VAULT_APPROLE_SECRET_IDThe secret_id for HashiCorp Vault authentication with AppRoleStringNull
VAULT_TOKENVault service auth token.StringNull
VAULT_USE_SEMANTIC_PATHEnable full path convention for vault secret pathBooleantrue
WEBHOOK_PARALLELISMMaximum number of events that will be retrieved in a single iteration, from the event queue by the webhook publisher.IntNull

Hocon duration format

Hocon duration format is a string that represents a duration of time. It is used in the configuration file to specify the duration of time in seconds, minutes, hours, etc.

Null default value

Null default value means that the variable is not set by default and must be set by the user based on the environment configuration.